weather front造句
- Funds spent the week gradually lightening their long positions as we see open interest begin to fall . on the weather front , chinese winter wheat growing areas remain dry
本周投资者们逐渐淡出小麦多头仓位,同时市场也觉察到公开利率开始下降。另有天气当前,中国冬小麦种植区仍保持干旱。 - But because clouds take different forms at different scales ? from microscopic water droplets to weather fronts that span hundreds of kilometres ? they are devilishly hard to describe in models that work by manipulating “ virtual ” chunks of the atmosphere that are 100km ( 62 miles ) across and 100km high
但由于云层以不同形式出现于不同的范围之内(有的以精微的小水点存在,有的则以数百公里的气象锋面出现) ,因此在气候模式中很难去描述云层,并且其工作原理只能是操控虚拟的大气块100公里( 62英里)宽与100公里高。 - It's difficult to see weather front in a sentence. 用weather front造句挺难的
如何用weather front造句,用weather front造句,weather front in a sentence, 用weather front造句和weather front的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。